One of the most common questions about infant care I hear is, “Do I need to swaddle my baby?”
The short answer is no. The long answer is a little more complex, and even discusses the should version of the question.

Childbirth Education, Postpartum Doula Support, and Fertility Awareness for everyone
One of the most common questions about infant care I hear is, “Do I need to swaddle my baby?”
The short answer is no. The long answer is a little more complex, and even discusses the should version of the question.
This is a question I hear a lot! In all different forms:
“We keep our house on the chilly side. How do I know if my baby too cold at night?”
“We don’t have AC and the room gets really warm during the summer. How many layers of clothes should my baby wear?”
“We’re following safe sleep guidelines, but we aren’t sure about how to dress our baby.”
This is an incredibly valid concern. After all, overheating while asleep has been linked with SIDS, and being too cold can lead to sluggishness and unresponsiveness.
Well there’s a super useful tool to help you determine how much your baby should wear at night! It’s called TOG, and you can find it on most commercially available baby clothes.
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