I recently hit my fifth Tempdrop anniversary in February 2023, I thought it might be a good time to share my thoughts about Tempdrop in a review here! I wrote a Tempdrop review a few years ago on an old blog, but it’s been gone for a while now. So this is a revisit of the same topic, but with more data from my end!
Full Disclosure: The link I’m going to provide to Tempdrop is both a discount link (you get a discount) and an affiliate link (I get a benefit when I refer you to them). However, I purchased my Tempdrop with my own money, and my review is 100% honest.

This review is going to be quite long, and feel free to skim or just jump to my conclusion at the bottom if you don’t care about all of the specifics.
The Algorithm

In your Tempdrop device, the algorithm is actually what does all of the heavy lifting. The device itself collects thousands of data points overnight, then when you sync it to the app in the morning, the algorithm filters through those data points to find your most restful time while wearing it. The algorithm is more complicated than “find the lowest temperature” because the lowest temperature is actually likely to be when you were moving around and cold air went past the device. The algorithm works well for a majority of people out of the box, but it may take longer for other people.
When I previously reviewed Tempdrop, it retroactively changed temperatures. I’m happy to say they don’t do this anymore! It’s the only part of the algorithm I wasn’t completely sold on, as it seemed to hinder charters more than help them. I’ll say no more, as the retroactive temperature changes are behind us.
Note this chart is from when there were still two retroactive temperatures changing. The adjustment would no longer happen, but I don’t have a clear comparison chart since the change was made.
Below is one example of a personal chart of mine (in the Read Your Body app) where I had both Tempdrop temperatures (teal) and oral temperatures (red). Originally, the third temperature in my Tempdrop shift was high enough to confirm ovulation, but on day 4 it adjusted down and the temperature on day 4 was also close to the coverline (pulled up again with a later temperature). I ended up disregarding Tempdrop temperatures this cycle since I was able to confirm using my oral temperatures. Tempdrop was one day behind.

Algorithm Rating: 5/5
The armband Tempdrop comes with was never uncomfortable to me, but I’ve heard from some people with sensitivity that they didn’t like it. In 2018, I made myself an arm band from cotton lycra fabric and elastic because the small plastic frames kept breaking – it’s held up since then and maintains its recovery incredibly well from the additional elastic sewn into the seams. Luckily, for the less crafty, there are a number of creative people who sell custom armbands on Etsy to replace the one that came with your device. Less available, Tempdrop has also released a fully fabric armband. It tends to be released in batches and sells out quickly. There are also plenty of “hacks” like using the tube part of a sock as a cuff for your armband.
Ultimately because of all of the third party and alternative options that have been developed and shared, you may have to buy an additional armband, but you can probably find a way to make Tempdrop more comfortable if it’s bugging you.
Comfort Rating: 4/5
Sleep Data

As a premium feature, Tempdrop released sleep data at the end of 2021. So far, I haven’t found this data particularly accurate, but I also have odd sleeping and waking patterns. I often know I was awake for at least 2 hours overnight, but the device tells me I was lightly sleeping (even occasionally deeply sleeping) for that period of time. Overall, I don’t think it’s particularly accurate for me, but I also have seen plenty of reports from other people who have better sleeping patterns and feel it’s relatively accurate for them. It’s also definitely gotten quite a bit better in the months since it was first released.
It is fun to be able to see your temperature pattern for the night – you can’t interpret it yourself, but it is a fun piece of data.
Overall, I would give the sleep data a 3/5, but as it’s not the reason I have my Tempdrop, it doesn’t particularly sway my decision to use it or not. It’s also a premium feature, which means you only have access to it if you pay for Tempdrop Premium in the app.
Sleep Data Rating: 3/5
Charting App
Speaking of the app, let’s talk about the Tempdrop app!
Tempdrop added charting to their app in 2021, if I remember correctly. They started with basic charting, but it’s come a long way since then. It now has the ability to let you chart and mark everything manually if that’s what you want, which is incredibly important especially if you’re using fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy. You can’t customize the look, and are restricted to their predetermined categories, but you can chart all of the basics in their app. If you’re someone who likes to chart a lot of lifestyle items along with your fertility awareness chart, this probably isn’t the app for you.
It does all of the things I recommend in an app to clients: allows you to mark your cycles manually, and allows you to chart other key indicators.
Here’s a chart of mine – it’s the same cycle as the Read Your Body chart above if you want to compare graphics.

Charting App Rating: 5/5
Whenever I talk to people about Tempdrop, there are a few concerns I hear repeated over and over. So here they are, and my thoughts on them.

One of the most common concerns I see about Tempdrop is that it uses Bluetooth to sync to your phone. This is true, but it’s also not on all night. You don’t have to worry about being around it while you sleep if that’s a concern for you. When you do sync, it takes 30-90 seconds in my experience, and that’s the only time it’s using Bluetooth.
The other large problem I’ve seen is the durability of not the device itself, but rather the Tempdrop frame. I personally haven’t been using the frame for quite a while now (you can scroll back to the “Comfort” section above for alternatives), but I think I went through 3-4 frames before switching to a homemade fabric armband.
There have been some minor flaws in some Tempdrop devices, but in my experience the company has been great to replace pieces (like broken upper shells) for users. Occasionally this may require a small fee if you’re not within warranty.
Tempdrop algorithm
Essentially, this is a complaint that I hear from some people about how the algorithm doesn’t work for them. I’ve had a discussion with another fertility awareness educator about how studies show that those with BMI over 30 have less accurate axillary temperatures, which may be a concern for larger Tempdrop users. As with any device, I don’t think one size fits all. As long as Tempdrop exists, there will people who don’t fit well into the algorithm – they are, after all, built to work for the majority of people, but there will be outliers.
My Recommendation
Overall Rating: 17/20
I don’t think Tempdrop is 100% necessary for anyone to chart successfully, but I do think it’s a great option for many charters. I would consider it a luxury item of charting, rather than a necessity or core piece, though it easily could be considered either for an individual. It definitely means less effort on my part, but the trade-off is that sometimes it takes a day or two longer to confirm ovulation because their algorithm smooths temperatures.
I think it can be particularly useful for people in the following circumstances
- Poor sleep quality
- Postpartum, or small children waking regularly
- Trying to conceive and wanting low effort options for BBT
- Little motivation to wake at the same time each day to take temperature
If you buy a Tempdrop through my affiliate link, you’ll get a discount (currently 10% at the time of writing this, but sometimes more with a sale). You can purchase with an FSA or HSA account if you have one.
I think for a lot of people, getting the Confidence package (which gives you the ability to return as well as a manufacturer’s warranty) may help you feel better about your purchase. If you do get a Tempdrop and decide you don’t love it but can’t return it, you can always resell it pretty quickly at a fair value. The best group for doing this on Facebook in my experience is Fertility Monitors & Femtech B/S/T.

About the Author
Hi! I’m Liza, the owner and founder of Cache Valley Baby & Family. I do a lot of different things, including postpartum doula support, fertility awareness instruction (with a focus on conception), infant feeding support, and perinatal class instruction. I have a passion for working with families and women.
In my perinatal classes and postpartum support, I’ve worked with families from all walks of life, supporting them through their unique journeys. I particularly enjoy watching people become more confident in their own abilities as they go through my classes.
I love teaching fertility awareness. Because of the rest of my services, my focus is mainly on charting for conception, but I’m also experienced and happy to teach those charting to avoid pregnancy or to track their health. I have experience helping people chart with PCOS, thyroid disease, and more. I trained as an instructor through NFPTA.
All of my classes can be taken online from anywhere around the world, and I also hold local classes in Cache Valley, Utah. If you’d like to work with me, go ahead and reach out!
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